Thursday 11 July 2024

The Poems The Hanged Man

Acknowledgements Title: The Hanged Cheil (Pamphlet no 202) Front Cover : Tarot Card: The Hanged Man Published by Malfranteaux Concepts, Printed by Retro Overflow : Sheena Blackhall July 2024 Pets was published in the Doric column of the P & J on 9th June 2024. Other poems were written to read at the Wee Gaitherin at Stonehaven on August 3rd 2024 For more information on publications by Sheena Blackhall visit or the on line catalogue of the National Library of Scotland All of Blackhall’s poems in Scots & English are now uploaded on Her website can be found on An interview in podcast form with the poet appears on Thanks are due to Malfranteaux Concept for publishing this volume.
July2024 Limited print run of 50 copies

Wednesday 12 June 2024

The Poems : An Unfinished Work

Acknowledgements Title: The Unfinished Work (Pamphlet no 201) Front Cover : (Freepik online photomontage)Published by Malfranteaux Concepts,Printed by Retro Overflow : Sheena Blackhall June 2024 Thanks are due to Malfranteaux Concept for publishing this volume. At the Portsoy Festival was written over the course of the poet’s storytelling sessions at that event. June 2024 Limited print run of 50 copies

Wednesday 8 May 2024

The Poems: The Dall

Acknowledgements Title: The Dall (Pamphlet no 200) Front Cover : 1950s doll photo online Published by Malfranteaux Concepts,Printed by Retro Overflow : Sheena Blackhall May 2024 For more information on publications by Sheena Blackhall visit or the on line catalogue of the National Library of Scotland All of Blackhall’s poems in Scots & English are now uploaded on Her website can be found on An interview in podcast form with the poet appears on Thanks are due to Malfranteaux Concept for publishing this volume, and to Kenna Anderson for allowing the use of her poem The Girl in Me May2024 Limited print run of 50 copies

Monday 29 April 2024

The Books: Whudderin Heichts

Fiction direct series no 4 , Diehard at the Callander press 91-93 Main Street Callander, FK17 8BQ. Whudderin Heichts: ISBN 978-1-7394667-3-2. Translation copyright : Sheena Blackhall and Linda Smith 2024. Cover: south west door with ironwork, Haworth parish church (Photo: Sally Evans). Whudderin Heichts is a Doric owersettin o Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights, (which is in the public domain) By Sheena Blackhall and Linda Smith. (

Monday 15 April 2024

The Poems: The Doll's House

Acknowledgements:Title: The Doll’s House (Pamphlet no 199)Front Cover : 1950s Doll’s House Published by Malfranteaux Concepts,Printed by Retro Overflow,Sheena Blackhall c. April 2024Some poems were written during a four day trip to the Loch Lomond area. For more information on publications by Sheena Blackhall visit or the on line catalogue of the National Library of Scotland All of Blackhall’s poems in Scots & English are now uploaded on Her website can be found on An interview in podcast form with the poet appears on Thanks are due to Malfranteaux Concept for publishing this volume.

Friday 29 March 2024

The Poems: Robin Reidbriest's Testament

Acknowledgements:Title: Robin Reidbreist’s Testament (Pamphlet no 198) Front Cover : Robin photo online Published by Malfranteaux Concepts,Printed by Retro Overflow : Sheena Blackhall March 2024 Broomhall House was written after a meeting of the Order of the Scottish Samurai Awards, at the venue on Sunday 3rd March 2024, when Sheena Blackhall / Middleton was given the Order of the Scottish Samurai by Ronnie Watt, founding member OSS Grand Marshal 0BE, 0RS, MStJ, for services to arts, poetry and the community.Freya Eden-Ellis found the poem Lollipop, while researching poems for a set of early literacy videos she is making. The series is called Word Waves, and is for BBC Bitesize Scotland. They're aimed at 3-6 year olds, and are intended to focus children on listening to the words, the sounds and rhythm, and model how to choose books to share with their grown ups. A print run of (50-100) would be distributed for free to schools and libraries in Scotland. I am a Poem was inspired by Billy Collins Introduction to Poetry, featured on a SPL Zoom meeting. Other poems were written during a four day trip to the Loch Lomond area. For more information on publications by Sheena Blackhall visit or the on line catalogue of the National Library of Scotland All of Blackhall’s poems in Scots & English are now uploaded on Her website can be found on An interview in podcast form with the poet appears on Thanks are due to Malfranteaux Concept for publishing this volume, and to Kenna Anderson for allowing the use of her tale Local detective crowned a hero. March 2024 Limited print run of 100 copies

Wednesday 7 February 2024

The Poems: The Fower Dragons

Acknowledgements Title: The Fower Dragons (Pamphlet no 197) Front Cover : Whispering Shadows in the Cosmic Dance by R.Sanchez Published by Malfranteaux Concepts,Printed by Retro Overflow Copyright: Sheena Blackhall February 2024 The anecdote Hogmanay appeared within an article by Neil Drysdale in December 2023’s P & J, ‘When Hogmanay was a Bigger Deal than Xmas.’For more information on publications by Sheena Blackhall visit or the on line catalogue of the National Library of Scotland All of Blackhall’s poems in Scots & English are now uploaded on .Her website can be found on An interview in podcast form with the poet appears on Thanks are due to Malfranteaux Concept for publishing this volume. February 2024 Limited print run of 50 copies