Tuesday, 11 August 2009

The Poems: A Visit to Planet Auschwitz

Some of these poems have already been published on-line at http://www.poemhunter.com/sheena-blackhall . The poems were written in the two weeks after the poet visited Krakow in July 27th -31st, 2009, during which time she visited Auschwitz with her son Morven. The cover is copied by Sìne NicTheàrlaich from a painting by David Bloch, a German-Jewish artist who was interned at Dachau. The linking historical data within this pamphlet is taken from various sources all on-line and in the public domain. Published by Lochlands, Maud, Aberdeenshire August 2009


  1. Blogs are so informative where we get lots of information on any topic. Nice job keep it up!!

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  2. Hello Mrs. Blackhall,
    My name is Kourtnie Jones and I am currently doing a war poetry project on your poems "Holocaust" and "The Holocaust" in my dual credit literature class. I was wondering if you could give me more details about your visit and what lead you to visit also the thoughts and emotions you felt when writing them?
